Yiyi Wang

Invisible Work

Invisible labor refers to unpaid work that goes unnoticed, unacknowledged, and unregulated. According to 2021 data from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, American and Chinese women spend twice as much time on unpaid housework daily than male partners. However, people often don't consider it unfair when a woman does more invisible work because it seems inconsequential.

My work investigates gender inequality, the negative impact of invisible labor, and how graphic design might address this issue and explore a range of perspectives through various forms of visual languages. As a graphic designer with a background in film directing, I recorded multiple labor actions and transformed them from documentary to symbolic. Though this is an activist topic, my projects utilize a celebratory tone to maximize their approachability and appeal to viewers.





Jiapei Ke, GD


Shinkyung Do, ID