Alex Munoz

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Alexander Munoz

CTA-Oriented Produce Vending
Our urban environment molds our daily experiences and acts as a cultural and social determinant. Infrastructure in American cities prioritizes the automobile over pedestrian traffic and public transit. In Chicago, CTA train stations, where vast numbers of people come together every day, are little more than thoroughfares, lacking any kind of public programming. And yet there is space enough for people to socialize, unwind, and express themselves. CTA stations act as the entryway to the city’s neighborhoods and represent the beginning and end point for many working-class people who commute by train. CTA-Oriented Produce Vending is a program that introduces fresh produce vending at neighborhood CTA stations, benefitting both buyers and sellers and the community-at-large. Programming of this kind has the potential to enrich street life and strengthen community relationships. The more cities support pedestrian lifestyles and needs, the less cars on the road; the less cars, the less carbon emissions; the less carbon emissions, the cleaner the air and the more sustainable our urban environments become.

Alexander Munoz

