Brandon Choy
Brandon Choy
On, In, Of
Ambience is not what one perceives. It is not an object of perception. It cannot be rationalized or objectified, and its process cannot be modeled. Ambience is that of which one discerns sensorily, opening up the perceptibility of the world and therefore enabling perception. It directly contributes to the emergence of new frames of sensitivities, new sensorial experiences. And yet being sensitive to the spaces we inhabit is often overridden by the increasingly distracting, ocular-centric world in which we live. Our attention shifts from one point to another, shaping our experiences to become a loose patchwork of disconnected states. Ambient sound helps to coalesce and connect these fragmented states. It creates an atmosphere of shared, embodied, enacted, and situational sensory experiences. On, In, Of explores how ambient sounds empower us to perceive, embody, and truly live in the spaces we inhabit. It does not strive to show what ambience is or how to define it. Rather, it focuses on the performative nature of ambient sound and on what it accomplishes, how it directs our sensitivities, thoughts, and lived experiences; transforming reflexive listening into reflective being.
Brandon Choy