Cristina Leanos
Cristina Leanos
According to an award-winning documentary, A Plastic Ocean, about 8 million tons of plastics are discarded annually into the world’s oceans. Marine organisms consume these plastics and humans consume microplastics that are in the food chain. We also know that the chemicals used to manufacture and dye plastic cause various illnesses, including ovarian, testicular, and prostate cancers. Plastics are everywhere. They are cheap to produce and easy to replace, however plastics can last for hundreds of years. Disposable diapers are among the most dangerous plastics and one of the slowest plastics to decompose. The Environmental Protection Agency reports that 20 billion disposable diapers are used every year and decomposition may take between 250-500 years. According to one source, roughly 20% of parents are now using cloth diapers, which can be reused upwards of 100 times.
However, many resort to using disposable diapers when out and about. Tatiba is a travel diaper container that makes it possible to conveniently stow smelly soiled diapers scent free.
Cristina Leanos