Eli Weinberg
Eli Weinberg
The Beam Series
To domesticate something is to establish a bond. Furniture’s quality, aesthetics and function are integral to this bond, and yet a lot of furniture design is dominated by flat-pack supply chain giants. Favored for its lucrative margins and inexpensive shipping costs, this kind of mass-produced furniture is made of composite materials and, while easy to assemble, lacks constructive quality and material longevity. One isn’t going to bond with furniture thought of as replaceable, even temporary. (A first apartment may be furnished with IKEA furniture, for instance, but that furniture is unlikely to become an heirloom.) As a designer, I’m intrigued by the bonds one forms with objects in the material world. The Beam Series is designed to be produced locally — the first bond — with quality materials—the second bond—and sturdy construction — the third bond — and is assembled by the owner — the fourth bond. Who knows, The Beam Series may, in time, very well be considered heirloom worthy furniture.
Eli Weinberg