Faye Gozon

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Faye Gozon

Ad Maiorem Feminae Gloriam
To say that humans have but a single story is, as far as I’m concerned, untrue. We are multidimensional creatures comprised of contradictory feelings, thoughts, pasts, and possible futures. We are all in a perpetual state of transformation, engaged in an endless cycle of becoming different, hopefully better versions of ourselves. I grew up in a strict household in an outwardly religious country. When later I came to live in a more liberal environment, unlearning, questioning, and self-teaching became the order of the day. What could these new radical ideas have in common with the religious scriptures I carried around in my head? Ad Maiorem Feminae Gloriam is an attempt at reconciliation. Bridging feminism and Catholicism, my piece criticizes and challenges the gender inequality present in the Bible, and functions as a kind of ritualistic safe haven for feminist Catholics like me.

Faye Gozon

