Madison Lockwood

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Madison Lockwood

The Real Real World
Mental health is an increasingly vital part of general wellness in today’s world, yet the stigma behind it seems to worsen by the day. The younger generation is referred to as weak or soft and basically told they’ll never make it in the “real world.” But how can someone be expected to ‘make it’ if one of the key parts of functioning healthily in an increasingly complex world is consistently belittled and ignored? As a designer, I am interested in creating work that is vibrant and uplifting. The Real Real World — as opposed to the so-called “real world” — uses vibrant, highly saturated, cheerful colors, abstract imagery, and language to invite viewers to pause, take it all in, and just breathe. It is in this moment of engagement, however fleeting, that one connects with the Real Real world.

Madison Lockwood





Selected works from development process