Veronica Medrano
Veronica Medrano
Align Your Mind
It’s easy to get caught up in the fast pace of everyday life. Mindfulness techniques, such as journaling, is shown to evoke the benign understanding of the present moment. Being in a healthy mental state is what we all strive for as individuals, yet it is seldom discussed. I know how difficult it is to maintain a habit of writing once you’ve made a start. However, keeping a journal is one of the best ways to practice self-reflection on a regular basis. You’ll find it empowers your capacity to respond to your environment in more satisfying and healthier ways. Through my design work, I focus on creating mental, visual, and physical spaces where people can engage in mindfulness activities on their own terms. Align Your Mind is a four-year journal that includes weekly prompts intended to place emphasis on important growth patterns in life. With this, I share with you some guidance and peace of mind I have gained through journaling myself. When you take the time to reflect, it helps you focus on growing and creating the life you want. It all starts with having mindful balance, which is what I hope to give others with this wellness journal.
Veronica Medrano