Viviana Diaz

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Viviana Diaz

As pattern seeking beings in an intensely visual world, humans understand and navigate their environments knowingly or by trial and error — surviving on their own heuristic process. Gestalt theory, and its determination that a whole is greater than the sum of its parts, substantiates the direct relationship between human understanding, parallelism, and pre-perceptions. It incorporates the experiential and experimental dimensions of design by addressing the ways in which we articulate, organize, and experience visual stimuli by way of creative integration. By focusing on fundamental values and human nature, attention to detail becomes a visually reflective lens into our inner and outer worlds. I utilize gestalt theory as a framework for experimentation, finding clarity in intuition, form in ambiguity, to design work that allows for alternative, sometimes multivalent levels of perception; visual and visceral, rational and emotional, mindful and inspirited.

Viviana Diaz

