You Should Not Approach This Lightly
Edgar Pineda

For my final animated poster, I wanted to build off from the previous project, adding type to 3dimensional forms. The text itself is about psychedelics and their effects on the human brain. I knew I wanted to keep the background dark to keep the mood mysterious, and the colors of the text to be bold and saturated, because color becomes brighter and more vivid to people who take psychedelics. At first I made strips of text to flow through curves for an animation, but it proved to be difficult to make the animation loop, because I would have to make all of the text disappear from view. I was trying to mimic neurons in the human brain, but it didn’t turn out so well. It also would take a long time for me to animate. So my next design had text on spinning forms, they stayed in view and didn’t travel in a path, so the viewer can constantly analyze it. At first there were not enough frames so the animation was fast, I ended up rendering 300 frames for my final animation. Finally, added some text in after effects to go along with the animation.


The Price of Forever is Death


You Never Challenge Devils